EPISODE 197: Signs
Welcome to March Night Shyamalan, an entire months worth of filmed directed and typically written by famed navel-gazing twist-producer M. Night Shyamalan! Get yourself ready for a month of fun and deep artistic frustration, which we're kicking off with Signs (2002)! Blair is back with us for the month, bringing along with him for the week Summer (@stellarghost)! Join us as we discuss vibes, Gangnam Style, underutilized dead wives, and overutilized precocious children.
RECOMMENDATIONS: The Tatami Galaxy No Dogs In Space Star Trek: The Next Generation
Theme music done by people you meet outside of bars. You can find more of their work at gaygothvibes.online. Editing done by Blair Kitsch. You can find more of his work proudly featured on your mom's fridge.