2 years ago

EPISODE 220: Cabin Fever (2002)

Come on in, spend the night, weary listener. Oh, my, you're soaking wet! You'll catch your death of cold... oh, what's that? The large oak doors slamming suddenly behind you as soon as you stepped through the threshold? Don't worry about any of that! Welcome to SCHLOCKTOBER MANOR!!!!! thunder lightning thunder lightning We've got a spoooooooooky episode for you this week! Blair sticks with us to help kick off Schlocktober 2021, and along with him we have returning champion Alex (@alexthevirgo) to talk about Eli Roth's Cabin Fever (2002)! And talk, do we... topics include pancakes, blueberries, camping, friendship, locals, personal hygiene, and MORE! :) wholesome stuff


  • Midnight Mass
  • No Blues - Los Campesinos!

Intro music done by people you meet outside of bars. You can find more of their work at gaygothvibes.online. Editing and Schlocktober promo art done by Blair Kitsch. You can find him on Twitter @blairkitsch.