3 years ago
Hoooooo boy! Do we ever have a doozy for you this week. Sara and Morgan (@cursegoat) bring poor old Blair on in for a jigsaw trap of his very own: Saw VI! Join us as we round off the gore- and crime-procedural-filled extravaganza of Sawptember and discuss topics such as the intricacies of satire, Dr. Roberta Bobby, hot girl shit, microwave dinners, level design, and MORE!!
- The Story Must Be Told
- Cathode TV
- Rediscovering some old favorites!
Special Sawptember theme music done by Max Knightley. You can find more of her work at pastelhandgrenade.bandcamp.com. Special Sawptember cover art and editing for this episode done by Blair Kitsch, who can be found on Twitter @blairkitsch.